1. How to change heading label text ? 

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>Enter heading label text section

You can write any heading label text as your choice

Hit on submit

2. How to change Sub heading label text ?

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>Enter sub heading text section

You can write any sub heading label text as your choice

Hit on submit

3. How to change button text ?

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>Enter button text section

You can write any button text as your choice

Hit on submit

4. How to change shop now button text ?

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>shop now button text section

You can write any button text as your choice

Hit on submit

5. How to change availability message text ?

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>availability message section

You can write availability message  text as your choice

Hit on submit

6. How to change unavailability message text ?

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>unavailability section

You can write unavailability text as your choice

Hit on submit

7. How to change Place holder text ?

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>Enter place holder text section

You can write place holder text as your choice

Hit on submit

8. How to change Error message text ?

From you desk, go to the Display setting =>text setting =>Enter error validation message when zipcode is empty text section

You can write error message text as your choice

Hit on submit