Easy Language Translate app is a useful translation tool that allows you to translate texts from more than 100 different languages. It has some useful features like automatic source language recognition. Let's make your store multilingual in just 2 minutes. First, go-to App setting at the setting and select the option.

1.Select App Status=>You check the box to enable the app setting. 

2.Auto Translate=>You can easily select the auto language (By GeoIP app).

3.Display Language Widget=>If you want to display a widget language then select YES.

4.Save Visitor Language Selection=>you can easily select "save visitors' language selection". 

5.Select Store Default Language=>You can save  your store language as a default. 

Please see the below.

6.Select Widget Layout=>The app gives us many layouts, you can select as you want. 

Please see the below.

7.Select Visit Position=>Please select the "Fixed" widget position at the front store.

8.Select Visit Fixed Position Alignment=>You can easily select a position at the store and make a properly "widget position alignment".

9.Select Flag Style=>You select a flag style rectangle \circle and show it to the customer. You can make attractive your store.

Please see the below.

10.Select Widget Backgroung Color=>You can select the easily select widget background-color. 

11.Select W Text Color=>You can select the easily select visit text color. 

12.Select Language Text Color=>You can select the easily select language text color. 

13.Selected Language Background Color=>You can select the easily selected language background color.

Please see the below.

14.Select Widget Translation Language=>You select the check box and all language will be selected auto.

14.1 You can also select the language one by one.

Please see the below.

15.Enter comma(,)seprate class name which you don't want to translate=>You can easily add the enter comma (,) separate class name which you don't want to translate.

16.Enter custom css=>You can also enter custom CSS and make a properly widget position, color, text, font etc.

Note:-Please must be saved the setting.

Please see the below.