The Smart Zipcode Validator shows the pop-up on All pages and put the valid zipcode, then gives permissions to allow the page. First of all, go to Display settings and see the General settings:
1. Enable the app=> Please check/uncheck the box to enable /disable.
(Please check the box to Enable the app)
2. Display popup box (on all pages)=>You can easily enable to all page.
{please check the circle to display popup box(on all pages)}
3. Enter zipcode minimum length=>You can decide to "Enter zipcode minimum length"
4. Enter zipcode maximum length=>You can decide to "Enter zipcode maximum length"
5.Display image on popup=>You can want to easily set the image on the popup on click times and you can easily set can choose an image and set.
{Select the setting to display your store logo/brand image on popup}
Please see the below: